People who care about their back and knee health should take supplements. However, it is more important to eat healthy food and exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back and knees. Based on the data of'Spine', we will look at foods that are good for your back and knee health from among the health foods you can easily find around you.

1. Tomato

Obesity increases the weight burden on the spine and causes various spinal disc diseases. Therefore, weight control is one of the most important factors for the health of the waist and knees.

When dieting, you need to eat nutritionally evenly. Fasting and exercising excessively will result in weakening of organs and musculoskeletal structures.

Tomatoes are one of the most nutrient-rich foods in the diet. Tomatoes are rich in nutrients such as vitamin B2 and vitamin C, while sugars and calories are low.

It lowers cholesterol and prevents fat from accumulating. Flavonoids and carotenoids in tomatoes also help relieve pain in the knees and lower back when dieting.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is a vegetable that can be good for bones. Broccoli has four times the calcium content of spinach, a representative nutritional vegetable. Abundant calcium intake helps prevent joint disease and helps maintain a healthy spine.

3. Egg

Vitamin D deficiency can cause calcium and phosphoric acid deficiencies in the body, resulting in back or neck discs. In addition, it can cause muscle weakness, fatigue, feeling that your legs are heavy, and even severe depression.

The egg yolk contains vitamin D properly, so taking 3 to 5 pills a week can help boost immunity and support spine health. Experts say, "Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for bone health."

Reporter Kwon Soon-il




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